What are pointers? What are different types of pointers?
How do I change the value of a cell in excel?
How to perform linear search in java?
explain service contracts? : Wcf data services
what are confirmed dimension? We alwys give date as a conformed dimension but if it has different format for different contries say YYMMDD for italy and MM-DD-YYYY for france.Then are they not confirmed.
How main function is called in c?
Under what condition the critical point (a,b) will be saddle point ?
What is the use of annotations in reference to an xml document?
Why is maintaining a database important?
Define an additive?
How does a server or client environment affect software testing?
Why hyperlink is used?
What are Building Blocks in Power BI?
Can you load balance applications distributed across different vpc’s and on-premises location?
When to use inquire vs enquire?