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NIIT Core Java Interview Questions
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Difference between a Canvas and a Scroll Pane?.

1 4307

why java does not support multiple inheritance

41 97414

byte a=5; byte b=5; byte c=a+b; System.out.println(c); whats the o/p?

7 22553

explain the life cycle of thread?

10 34529

If a multi threaded Java program has started numerous number of threads, at any point in time how to know which thread is currently executing/running ?

7 14561

what is main purpose of interface?

2 13600

What is JAVA? Why it is platform independent?

10 12603

Features of JAVA ? In which version of java synchronizedXXX() methods are included in Collections class.

1 6391

diff. b/w JAVA and javascript...

3 5986

diffrence b\w println() and printf()

8 21952

java program with complete 4 oops concepts implemented example


Is java pure object oriented or not? if yes, give the valid reason.

13 19089

How many types of thread in java? give the name

13 51942

Hi friends i want display Triangle shap stars(*) please can tell me any one java code logic? * *** ***** ******* Like this

2 5671

What is the difference between Java1.4 and Java1.5


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NIIT Core Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the formula of percentage in excel?


What are mongodb shards?


You see multiple fragments in the system tablespace, what should you check first?


Explain how to create a backup and copy files in jenkins?


Why is wordpress so popular?


What can you contribute to 24 Hour Fitness?


Who is the best domain name registrar?


Is c# a strongly-typed language?


What is Online View?


What is the differences between i.s.o and c.m.m levels?


What is the purpose of the package around a microprocessor silicon die?


does any one has gate solutions of 2007,08,09 metallurgical engg papers?


Which interface controls what is shown on the p.c.?


What is plaque?


What are the stages available in object studio that is not available in process studio?