What is JAVA? Why it is platform independent?

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What is JAVA? Why it is platform independent?..

Answer / patel_irfan

Java is a programming language originally developed by
James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a
core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The
language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has
a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java
applications are typically compiled to bytecode (class
file) that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
regardless of computer architecture. This programming
language is a general purpose concurrent class based object
oriented programming language, specifically designed to
have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is
intended to let application developers "write once, run
When Java Code is compiled a byte code is generated which
is independent of the system. This byte code is fed to the
JVM (Java Virtual Machine) which is resided in the system.
Since every system has its own JVM, it doesn't matter where
you compile the source code. The byte code generated by the
compiler can be interpreted by any JVM of any machine.
Hence it is called Platform independent Language.

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 1 No

What is JAVA? Why it is platform independent?..

Answer / makin guru ji...

When Java Code is compiled a byte code is generated which
is independent of the system. This byte code is fed to the
JVM (Java Virtual Machine) which is resided in the system.
Since every system has its own JVM, it doesn't matter where
you compile the source code. The byte code generated by the
compiler can be interpreted by any JVM of any machine.
Hence it is called Platform independent Language.

Java is fully object oriented programming language.In java,
source code is compiled to give bytecode(class file).
that class file is able to run in any OS.it is simply
called as "COMPILED ONCE RUN ANYWHERE".class file is fed
into JVM, it will convert the class file into corresponding
machine code.

"what is platform
in dependent?" every os and every machine has its own code
which is known as "MACHINE CODE". I think you know about
asamblly language that is MACHINE CODE. so when we execute
java file it's class file(byte code) convert into this
machine code & then give output.jvm is a program which
needed to convert byte code file into machine code. & every
programing language need it's own compile and runtime
environment. so we always install aproprite tool for each

platform independance means if u compile any progaram one
machine which run on particular os & then u take this
compiled progaram to any other machine which have not same
os still it runs and gives output.

thus we need every language's compiler to run the program.
even if you want to make resume you have to install atlist
ms word.

Java is one of the Object Oriented Language.
Mainly to run on Different Platform and Supporting in
Multi-Threading concept.
Because its only need and run Bytecode on Your platform.
Automatically reclaim Garbage Collection.
Its mainly Memory management.

java is platform independent because when after compile the
java source code it generate the byte code for jvm. it is
execute the byte code instruction for the particular
operating system. this byte code instruction execute the any
operating system it produce the same result thats why java
is platform independent

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

What is JAVA? Why it is platform independent?..

Answer / ravi jain

Mr Patel,

Your answer is right.
But it has some thing that u should write

Features of Java:-
Like java has
1. built in support for multithreading.
2. memory management.
3. networking applications..

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 3 No

What is JAVA? Why it is platform independent?..

Answer / dinesh

Java is fully object oriented programming language.In java,
source code is compiled to give bytecode(class file).
that class file is able to run in any OS.it is simply
called as "COMPILED ONCE RUN ANYWHERE".class file is fed
into JVM, it will convert the class file into corresponding
machine code.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 2 No

What is JAVA? Why it is platform independent?..

Answer / bhavani k

java is fully object oriented language, java can run any
where and any time so it is platform independent.

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What is JAVA? Why it is platform independent?..

Answer / rock

When Java Code is compiled a byte code is generated which
is independent of the system. This byte code is fed to the
JVM (Java Virtual Machine) which is resided in the system.
Since every system has its own JVM, it doesn't matter where
you compile the source code. The byte code generated by the
compiler can be interpreted by any JVM of any machine.
Hence it is called Platform independent Language.

this is ans as per mr.patel but we have to install jvm on
the m/c on which we want to run the java application.
if this is the case for java then how java is platform
i am confuse .
if am wrong pleas let me know.thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 4 No

What is JAVA? Why it is platform independent?..

Answer / nitu

Mr. Rock i think u should get the answer "what is platform
in dependent?" every os and every machine has its own code
which is known as "MACHINE CODE". I think you know about
asamblly language that is MACHINE CODE. so when we execute
java file it's class file(byte code) convert into this
machine code & then give output.jvm is a program which
needed to convert byte code file into machine code. & every
programing language need it's own compile and runtime
environment. so we always install aproprite tool for each

platform independance means if u compile any progaram one
machine which run on particular os & then u take this
compiled progaram to any other machine which have not same
os still it runs and gives output.

thus we need every language's compiler to run the program.
even if you want to make resume you have to install atlist
ms word.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 4 No

What is JAVA? Why it is platform independent?..

Answer / poorna chandar rao.yerrabothu

java is platform independent because when after compile the
java source code it generate the byte code for jvm. it is
execute the byte code instruction for the particular
operating system. this byte code instruction execute the any
operating system it produce the same result thats why java
is platform independent

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What is JAVA? Why it is platform independent?..

Answer / pankaj khatri

java is platform indenpendent.because java run on any
platform like windows,linux,xp so java is support to the all
of the operating system

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 10 No

What is JAVA? Why it is platform independent?..

Answer / saravanan

Java is one of the Object Oriented Language.
Mainly to run on Different Platform and Supporting in
Multi-Threading concept.
Because its only need and run Bytecode on Your platform.
Automatically reclaim Garbage Collection.
Its mainly Memory management.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 7 No

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