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NIIT QTP Interview Questions
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Whenever we use GETROPROPERTY function.

7 25475

how can we handle exceptional handling in qtp

6 9088

how do you do database testing in qtp

5 19616

what is functions in qtp?i know the userdefind &bulit funation or i know that Private public function ?plz tell me what is funations in qtp?how to create a funation in qtp

4 10608

hi all here i have tab named "Workbench" By clicking on "workbench" displays 4 tabs like below workbench common cargo commercial charter "common" tab have 10tabs inside,"cargo" tab also haveing 15 tabs inside and remaining two tabs also having few tabs inside. when clicked on "common" displaying the script like tab("workbench").select"common" if i clicked on "cargo".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_2").select"cargo" if i clicked on "commercial".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_3").select"commercial" if i clicked on "charter".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_4").select"charter" I have used a "FOR LOOP" for common,commercial,cargo,charter was stopped at second tab SO, CAN I RECOGNIZE "WORKBENCH_2,_3,_4" AS A SINGLE VARIABLE if not, can anyone plese help me to solve this


How u will do versioning in QTP?


what r the drawbacks and limitations of QTP?

2 10753

what is the use of Browser.sync()

2 6475

How to add multiple values in rows, under a single column of a run time datatable?

3 14923

I have a list box which contains duplicate values e.g. A,A,A,B,B,B,C,C,C.Now write a code in qtp to test the list box . Scenario #1 : I have to check whether any values are there? Scenario #2 : If duplicate values are there,then how many time it is getting duplicated? Svenario #3 : how can I test presence of items in list box ommiting duplicate values?

6 12901

Can we select add ins in UFT during run time

1 3902

Can we check environment variable value without existing of environment variable

2 3465

Post New NIIT QTP Interview Questions

NIIT QTP Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How do you achieve runtime polymorphism?


What is a unique constraint?


Qatar Fertiliser Company (QAFCO) Shortlisted me for interview (got the intel from my source) for Field Operator- Utilities post. Please let me know what kind of questions they asked? ... this position requires 5 years of experience in Power Plant and background Diploma in Electrical/ Mech. ... my Background is Electrical and I am a sub Assistant Engineer (Operation) at a private HFO based Power plant... PS: Please Let me know what preparation should I take to obtain the Interview which will be take place In Bangladesh soon


What are the major ci tools ?


Explain gaussian blur in adobe photoshop?


What is logical functions in excel?


What do you do in leisure time?


What role are you ready to take in a group?


Why are all the comments being moderated?


my interview is on tuesday so i just want to know everything about the interview like which type of question they will ask me as i completed . please helm me plz plz


How to calibrate radar type level transmitter for interface level? Total liquid(liq.1 and liq.2), level both the liq individually? For. Both the liquid levels how the signal will go from transmitter to dcs? How to calibrate. Single radar 9:26:55 AM for 2 different liquids in a tank?


Why is it better to use multi-threading polling instead of a single threading model?


What is windows forms in c#?


What are the basic commands for user management?


How do you initialize a string in c++?