What is the downside of using udf?
What is a partition?
What is qlikview?
What is none wake up sensor?
I have to write Shells (Linux + Unix)for publishing packages and reports. Is it possible ? What are the differents executable programs ineed to call ?
What do you mean power control in gsm technology?
What are interval scaled variables?
Explain about communication features in UNIX?
One of the main cons of hill-climbing search is, a) Terminates at local optimum b) Terminates at global optimum c) Does not find optimum solution d) Fail to find a solution
how to write defects in excel sheets when defects occured
When Should You Call The Garbage Collector In .net?
What are your intentions towards the uplift of the hospital.
Explain which branch of science deals with the transformation of chemical energy into electrical energy and vice versa?
How do I use strcmp?
Explain what do you mean by functional overloading in java?