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NIIT Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is your career goal and career plans ?

55 382051

Difference between Overloading and Overriding?

35 198736

what is DLL Hell and how it is solved in .NET?

24 112728

Give me a sample test case for an online purchasing system?What testings u do for the same ?

8 85384

Difference between a Canvas and a Scroll Pane?.

1 4317

Is 'synchronised' a modifier?

2 7068

why occurs clause not mentioned in 01 level

6 46138

There is a 5digit no. 3 pairs of sum is eleven each. Last digit is 3 times the first one. 3 rd digit is 3 less than the second. 4 th digit is 4 more than the second one. Find the digit.

9 38218

Contents in Tracebility matrix?

14 27292

What is the difference between internal and external commands?

13 77100

What is Server Object?

2 8595

What?s an abstract class?

4 7421

Why do you want to work for this organization?

2 17426

what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?

52 181609

what is a junk dimension ?

14 60110

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NIIT Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Name some negotiable instruments.


Which is the parent class of abstractsequentiallist class?


What will happen if someone adds oil to the fuel of four stroke bike engine?


How to make a helper file in laravel?


the real constant in c can be expressed in which of the following forms a) fractional form only b) exponential form only c) ascii form only d) both a and b


Explain sale and lease back.


What is the main enzyme that participates in dna duplication process?


What tcp/ip configuration parameters can be provided to a dhcp client?


What is the recruitment cycle?


What is the extension of a release?


Difference between DurableSubscription and non- DurableSubscription?


could any body let me know the process of transportation from dev to quality and quality to prd,and dev to production,with step by step.please let me know.


Explain what is time?


How is forward action used for integration?


What is anim/ directory?