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NIIT Interview Questions
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Can overrride the Main method

6 9919

What is .net framwork? what is web application? what is CLR? How does work CLR & wht is work of CLR? What is compile? wht is thread? what does use in .net?

4 10129

How to convert numeric value into words in c#????plz suggest me the coding of this question???

1 9295

write a program to display the numbers in the following format 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4

9 13391

what is oops

4 5714

Write test cases for yahoo sign up page.

2 25809

What is Difeerence between List obj=new ArrayList(); and ArrayList obj=new ArrayList()?


what is the difference between ERROR and EXCEPTION?

14 33876

how do i write program like one shown 1234567654321 123456 654321 12345 54321 1234 4321 123 321 12 21 1 1

4 14527

Where can we get all types of good emails?

1 4176

what are debugging types in .net?

2 7834

How do the standards assist the users of financial report?


what are the characteristics of oops?

7 40541

diffrence b\w println() and printf()

8 21955

different between web server and application server

1 3891

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NIIT Interview Questions

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What is apc?


How check triggers in sql server?


What are the types of constructor's in ooabap ?


What is recommended way to install django?


What is bom encoding?


sir please tel me how calucalte kwh if home taken load 30ams how maney kwh taken per day.and 3phase motor 5hp per hars how maney load teken and how mach kwh and forward me to electrical table for calicalte kwh and kvr and kvah


Can I upgrade exchange 2003 beta 2 to rtm?


What do you mean by delegate? Can a user retain delegates?


What is the procedures for withdrawing of form C?


How to pipe multiline string to isqi?


How to view the log files in sybase?


What are 404 errors?


What are the tools which you used in projects?


what is the use of brij35 in zymogram?


What is case class? What is case object? What are the Advantages of case class?