what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?

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what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / me

CUI stands for Character User Interface

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface

the GUI is the user interface in which user interact
through the application by making uses of graphics, whereas
in CUI the user has to interact with the application by
making use of the codes

Is This Answer Correct ?    665 Yes 132 No

what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / nisha

CUI-anything where you are allowed to work only with keyboard
GUI-when you are allowed to work with any pointing device
like mouse..

Is This Answer Correct ?    406 Yes 153 No

what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / prabhat

CUI Which stands for Character user interface.
In CUI one task run at a time.
Everything done by commands.
Application : MS Dos

GUI Which stands for Graphical User interface.
In GUI more task can run simultaenously.
Work done by pointing devices like mouse
Very user friendly
Application : Window

Is This Answer Correct ?    281 Yes 76 No

what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / mazin

CUI are based on text.

GUI are babed on graphic.

Is This Answer Correct ?    244 Yes 56 No

what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / honey...


>user requires commands...
>its difficult to remember all commands..
>its only in black nd white machine..
>works in Dos..
>dos is fast compare to windows...
>memory requirment less...
>its cheap compare to gui...
>it can only use keyboard..
>it can linked directly...
>one task can run at a time..
>its totally based on text...
>programmer controls the flow of actions...
>eg. Dos...



>it can use graphical images to executes commands...
>easy to access..
>easy to understand..
>works in windows..
>its slow compare to dos...
>more memory requirment...
>expensive,high speed components required...
>it can use keyboard,mouse..
>gui is not linked to computer itselft usually linked with
os or a program...
>more then one task can run at a time..
>its based on graphics...
>user controls the flow of actions...
>eg. Windows...

Is This Answer Correct ?    204 Yes 23 No

what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / malli

CUI-anything where you are allowed to work only with
GUI-when you are allowed to work with any pointing device
like mouse..

Is This Answer Correct ?    214 Yes 87 No

what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / deepak

GUI stand for graphical user interface which enables the
common people to use the face of computer easily and
friendly , where as CUI stand for character user interface
which help to use one program at a time which is controlled
by the keyboard.....

Is This Answer Correct ?    126 Yes 53 No

what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / shiv

CUI programs the programmer controls the flow of actions,
whereas in GUI programs the user controls the flow of

Is This Answer Correct ?    114 Yes 47 No

what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / rocky



Is This Answer Correct ?    107 Yes 52 No

what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / benedict or ben10

cui stands for character user interface
gui standa for graphic user interface

cui works by commands
gui works by pointing devices like mouse

Is This Answer Correct ?    76 Yes 22 No

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