Is Bank Reconciliation Statement is compulsory prepared? Even when both cash & Bank Book are tally?
13 35542Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop in the same n/w, now how the DHCP is going to assign a IP add. to it and how it will came to know that there's one new machine added.
13 20961Suppose in SNMP managed Network, Network card of one machine fails then how Management Devices comes to know about this machine and suppose in other case machine gets shutdown then how it will be recoginised.
7 11924What is wrong with the following data declaration? 01 W-DATE PIC X(6). 05 DD PIC 99. 05 MM PIC 99. 05 YY PIC 99. (a) Nothing is wrong. (b) Under W-DATE all level 05 items are having a PIC 99 but level 01 has PIC X(6). (c) PIC can't be specified for a group item. (d) DD, MM, and YY are invalid datanames.
6 11779Post New Mphasis Interview Questions
What language does mongodb use?
What are the fetching strategies in hibernate?
Someone on the team has a strong opinion about how a certain feature should be designed, but you disagree that it is a good user experience. How do you approach the situation?
What is the difference between an api and a web service?
what are factless facts? And in which scenario will you use such kinds of fact tables.
hye SAM acn u send your e mail id, so that i can solve my query through e mail?
Write the full form MANOVA and why is it used?
Difference between Sp 2007 ans Sp 2010?
What is 'contingency fund'?
The user needs to quickly set up an email service because a client needs to start using it in the next hour. Which one can be the logical choice as there are several options available to set it up? What can be the best option to set up aws service would best meet the needs of the client?
What is the biggest difference between internet of things and sensor businesses?
Does javascript support automatic type conversion, if yes give example.
What is a null variable in javascript?
Do you know the use of 'auto' keyword?
Explain the concept of convention over configuration, and talk about an example of convention over configuration you have seen in the wild.