what is the purpose of using rmisecuritymanager in rmi?
What should be the values of settling time, peak time, steady state error, overshoot, rise time, MPOS (Maximum percent over shoot) to keep the system in transient state, to keep the system in steady state ?
how to write a custom adapter in android?
How many languages are supported by .NET at present time?
What are inbuilt functions in sql?
which processor is used in dcs.
Can we use ordered set for performing binary search?
What is the break activity in uipath?
Write down the syntax for all the loops in shell scripting.
how to create a new table in mysql? : Sql dba
What is undo command?
What is plastic money? How is it better than the cash?
What is hummingbird update?
How DNA is being Transplanted?
What is the property of Alkaline earth metal Ions?