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Mphasis COBOL Interview Questions
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What is the difference between NEXT SENTENCE and CONTINUE?

2 13300

Can you REWRITE a record in an ESDS file? Can you DELETE a record from it?

6 25148

What is wrong with the following data declaration? 01 W-DATE PIC X(6). 05 DD PIC 99. 05 MM PIC 99. 05 YY PIC 99. (a) Nothing is wrong. (b) Under W-DATE all level 05 items are having a PIC 99 but level 01 has PIC X(6). (c) PIC can't be specified for a group item. (d) DD, MM, and YY are invalid datanames.

6 12153

I hav vari declaration like..... 77 a pic s9(9).99. 77 b pic s9(9).99 comp. 77 c pic s9(9).99 comp-3. if i use MOVE 123456789.99 to a,b,c what happen every one working fine ?

1 5918

can we use 77 level no for Redefines?if we use give an example?

3 10289

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Mphasis COBOL Interview Questions

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Does the AOL proxy server support HTTP 1.1?


How many users can I emulate with loadrunner on a pc?


What is the function to call to turn an ascii string into a long?


Why hashset is used in java?


How to include cms block in template file(.phtml)?


Is java a super set of javascript?


What is the hotkey to insert a row in excel?


What is firewalls?


What is html and its functions?


What is Bitcoin?


Will you be comfortable handling customers on the phone? : bpo


What is the use of laravel framework?


What are the two version available for sap bpc?


Name of gymnosperms and angiosperms having anticancerous properties?


What are some apex classes that are commonly used within controller?