Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip
addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop in the same
n/w, now how the DHCP is going to assign a IP add. to it and
how it will came to know that there's one new machine added.

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Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop ..

Answer / gautam

we define range of ip in dhcp. dhcp does not need to know
abt that new computer, if that new computer is in the
network, dhcp autometicaly provide an ip address to it.

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 6 No

Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop ..

Answer / sakadevan.g

DHCP-Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
Dhcp server provides ip address based on the MAC Address.
If you connect a laptop (Dhcp dosent follow wheather it is
new or Old) client computer discover the dhcp server in the
network and the client send the offer for receving IP
address from dhcp server then dhcp server send the IP
address (IF Ip available otherwise it will not send )

This Process is called DORA
D-discovering the dhcp server in the network
O-offer for send the request for Ip
R-Receive ip from dhcp server
A-Acknowledge for dhcp server(Negative Acknowledge if No
free IP )

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 2 No

Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop ..

Answer / manjesh

When the laptop request for the IP,it broadcast by using
DHCPDiscover signal and DHCP server will send DHCPOffer
signal which contains the IP detail but without lease
time.Then the laptop will put DHCPRequest to DHCP Server and
Server will send DHCPACK which contains IP and the lease time.

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 2 No

Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop ..

Answer / murali

when a pc/client is connected to the network. it send a
message DHCPDISCOVER. So its the client resp to find the
DHCP server
now the server send back a reply by offering a ip address
say DCHPOFFER.. then client ack for specific IP address in
case if it wants ip from a particular scope DHCPREQUEST..if
the request is accepted by server it send message dhcpack.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 0 No

Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop ..

Answer / srinivas

When put new system in the network The DHCP server discover
the system then client request for ip addres. dhcp server
offer and provide ip address. the client send
acknowledgement. this process is called DORA

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 4 No

Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop ..

Answer / sashank

Server doesnot care whther a new computer is added or not ,
It s the laptop's responsibility to seek a IPAddress from
DHCP server ,
While installing the OS (Linux ) we clearly specifiy that
IPAddress to be got from DHCP Server ( we will provide DHCP
Server's IPAddress) , so one next reboot it will try to get
an ipaddress from dhcp server , it wont even complete its
booting if it cud not get an IP

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 4 No

Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop ..

Answer / subramaniyan.ns

As soon as your laptop is connected to the running n/w,
your internet connected device brodacast a message
requeting for addressing your equipment.

Then the ISP Equipment checks for availability of IP,

IF the IP is available it acknowledges back to your
internet device with an IP address with DNS & GATEWAY, were
the DNS is used for assigning to send data's that meant to
the internet & GATEWAY is for joining two networks together
that use different base protocols.

If the IP is not avialable, the server will fall back but
answers you with an IP address which starts with 169, this
means that there is no scope available & your laptop will
be unable to browse.

3. This type of sending & recieving is helped by the
interface called MAC Address between your system & DHCP

Note: As sson as you disconnect the internet,the IP address
is returned back to the list of available addresses and
this will be resued by another device after requesting.

Thus the IP Address is assigned automically to ur laptop
when you connect to the internet.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop ..

Answer / k venugopal

When a client computer added into the domain it searches
for dhcp server by sending the broadcast packets which is
called dhcp discover than dhcp server sends dhcp offer to
client which contains IP address after that client receives
the dhcp offer and it sends a request packet to the dhcp
server than dhcp after receiving the dhcp request from the
client reserves the IP for client with the leased duration
of time. this complete process called DORA.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 4 No

Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop ..

Answer / ahmed

If a new Client connect to tne network DHCP server
autometially provide ip address

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

Suppose in DHCP server running network(assigning ip addresses automatically), you connect a Laptop ..

Answer / sanjana arora

DHCP stands for Dyanamic host Configuration Protocol.It
works on mac binding. It is a network Protocol that enables
the server to assign an IP address to acomputer from a
defined range of numbers configured for a given network(ie
scope).This process is called DORA.So, when a new computer
requests for an IP in a network. The server of a given
Network offers an IP to a computer and in return a computer
sends an acknowledgement to a network

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

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