The LCM of two positive nos is 168 and their product is 504. what is the difference in their squares? A. 175 B.216 C.9 D.135
10 31888when i am try to create a sub contract challen i am getting the following error " challen material is different from material document with the mesg no 572/8i , please help
20621. what are the differences between prompt at universe level and prompt at report level ? 2. what are the connection types in BOXI ? 3. how do we give the security in universe level ? and report level ? and objects level ? 4. what will happen if we check the 'MULTIPLE SQL STATEMENTS FOR EACH MEASURE' option in Universe SQL parameters ?
2 9904How will you fine tune a stored procedure or what are the steps that should be taken to fine tune or optimize a stored procedure?
1 15643If 2 gmail browsers are opened in our system, how to enter the mail id and password into second browser by using discriptive program?
7 14105I have question to ask about the Call center management, Q Team leader Role and Responsibilities in inbound Call center, and What will be the Primary part of that ? Q What is the Role and Responsibilities in Company As operation Manager
1 5252Post New Mphasis Interview Questions
Explain join function in perl?
What is the full form of unix operating system?
What is path setting for dll?
Is the order of columns in the set clause important in ms sql server?
What are organelles, which carry out autophagy?
What is cell value?
Can u generate reports in Informatica?
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Explain the .wsf files?
How to pass data from list to report?
What is the difference between wordpress and website?
if you get a better job in public sector (ias/pcs etc.), Will you leave this job?
How should the Medical Librarian interact with training staff?
What does == mean in python?