If Technical manager is not addressing to bugs while
releasing the project , then how u can treat that bugs?
a.open b.closed c.pending 4.deffered
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Answer / madhavi
deffered is meant a bug could be fixed in next version of
the appliaction
pending shd be the status
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Answer / rohinibudda
Deffered bug, because If he ignoring the bug means, it will
be a low seviority bug, or else it is a bug that can be
fixed in later versions of the application. So I think it is
a Deffered bug. and I have never heard of the pending status
of the bug, i think pending is nothing but deffered.
If i am wrong please correct me
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Answer / chivukula.kumar
when technical manager not responding to the particular bug
it will automatical fixed in next version(deffered)
Ans: Deffered Status
Pending : defect is accepted, but its take some time to
resolve in same version.(Pending Status)
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Answer / manjula
I think i will identify the severity of the bug. If it is
effecting the buisness then i will suggest my manager to
stop the release. Since it is a management decision i would
prefer the status "Deffered"
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Answer / v v raghava rao
The bugs to be treated as 'open' because a technical
manager is supposed to address the possible bugs and inform
the customer about the possible malfunctions before release.
This will help the user.the classification of the severity
of bugs comes into picture only when they are
addressed,analysed and the risk factor is estimated.The
severity must be decided from the customers' view but not
from designers' view.
'Closed ' class is not appropriate Without addressing the bugs.
At least to classify as 'pending' or 'deffered' the bugs
must be addressed
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Answer / koteswara rao.k
here communication gap is missing hope while i am seeing
the question .
1. Technical manager is not addressing the questions means
it is not effected the present promote system at all , on
that situation keep status as differed .
2. In case it is affected the system and current
requirements put the status as pending .
perhaps this will not happen because of perfect planning
and scope of requirements in documented wise .
Any thing wrong koteswara.9.rao@gmail.com
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Answer / varsha b
That bug will go to deffered state means it will be
considered for fixing in future release.
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