------------ Diff b/w MemberCaption and MemberDescription?
Tell me your strengths and weakness
explain local datetime api in java8?
What is the difference between stored procedure vs function?
What is runguardsandresolvers in angular 8?
How can I remove a section break in word?
Does case harden steel properties detoriates over time? Especially for guns, parts like bolt carrier, the brand new parts has been kept for 10 year and properly oiled. I am worried about its surface hardness to take the blow during firing.
How to Calculate an angle from two points?
Hi my name is kuldeep singh, i have finished my B.E in computer science and engg in 2008. I have worked with accenture for 17 months and because of family problem i left the job in dec 2009.. i was in data ware housing capability. right now i am working in a BPO as technicla support executive,, i want to move to IT again, please suggest me what shuld i do? its been 1 year gap and i am not able to get into IT...please suggest me ...should i go for informatica certification will that help me to get inot IT. please give ur suggestion..my E mail is is singh.kuldeep2004@yahoo.in
What are the special sales document types?
How to show or hide a sencha touch component?
Tell about fiscal policy?
Why is maintaining a database important?
can you plz send l&t aptitude questions if available its urgent plz plz plz
The electrical equipment industry is vast. What area do you consider your specialty and why will your specialty help us at Apple?