How will you explain closures in javascript? When are they used?
Which programming language is best for getting job 2020?
what is a constant pointer in C
What are the steps involved in configuring a server using cgi programming?
what is an informix instance?
What are the common faults of the developer while using Apache Spark?
How do I combine all cells into one?
How would you design a secure system for online payment at Amazon?
State the difference between get and post method.
Explain software testing strategies?
Explain what is windows daemon?
What does sed command do in unix?
Explain the difference between lov and picklist??
What are the core functionalities of the sap system?
I need a MATLAB source code to recognize different regular geometric shapes such as: squares,rectangles,triangles,circles and ellipses in different sizes using neural network. All of the images containing these shapes should be in binary format with the size of 300*400 pixels. would you please give me a MATLAB code to detect these geometric shapes?