For 150 mtr cable run from DCS panel to transmitter (24 VDC with 4-20 ma output), need cable size. 1.5 sqmm is suitable?
2 4046Post New NA Instrumentation Interview Questions
Why do you think AADHAR card numbers are linked to bank accounts?
Explain textFile Vs wholeTextFile in Spark?
Does node.js provide debugger?
transformer spections :: input voltage 0-110-230v; output volage 0-10-12-14v; amp=3A using CRNO CORE, capcaity=50VA primary turns = ? ; secondry turns =?
What are the different stake holders in supply chain process?
What version of websphere software is required to install websphere clustering? How would you configure websphere for clustering: list basic steps?
What are the different row versions available in table?
How many public class files are possible to define in Scala source file?
Differences between star and snowflake schemas?
What’s a difference between vertical and horizontal cluster?
Convert the molecular structure of the hydrocarbon c5h12 into its straight-chain condensed structural formula?
what's the best movie you've seen in the last year?
What is the importance of setting up permission in app development?
What is derivative-based operations?
What is a function call or a callable object in python?