1.How much batten required for 1 sqm Shuttering. 2.how much pipe & clamps required for staging of 100 sqm shuttering at 5.0 m height.
2000Post New NA Civil Engineering Interview Questions
What is Multicast?
What is a unique key and primary key and foreign key?
In php, objects are they passed by value or by reference?
When do you use list vs. tuple vs. dictionary vs. set?
What are application pages, site pages and content pages?
What is the use of db2 optimizer?
I'm paid a salary. Am I exempt from overtime pay?
What is xml schema in html?
What are the presto applications?
Please explain formgroup and formcontrol in angular?
What do you understand by psb and acb?
What is the command to connect a node to the selenium grid?
Describe the stress and strain curve of steel.
Define sosl ?
What is the difference between internet, intranet, and extranet?