How to create a session? How to set a value in session? How to remove data from a session?
How do you break the root password?
Which animal live in hot region?
How to start your 10g xe server?
Name any two contribution of Aryabhatta.
What are organizational influences?
What is Declare-Expression? Explain?
The average length of dolphin?
What are the extensions?
Difference between header level tax calculation and line level tax calculation
how to select fuse rating for a 3-phase motor ???
Explain synchronous and asynchronous operations?
What is Balance on capital account?
What is the meaning of 10base-t?
I am having 2 years of experience in Manual Testing, 2marrow I have an interview with a Company. Which type of questions they will ask me?How should I prepare for interview?Please guide me so that I will clear the interview.