Do you have a set of questions regarding to M.I.S.[Management Information System] profile(Means Excel Test)?
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How to move database physical files in ms sql server?
What is a locale?
What is a row in cassandra?
What is difference between for and foreach in c#?
Write a program of prime number using recursion.
why is update statistics important to a database?
What is mysql and why it is used?
Please, anyone out there that had been a SQA Tester, would You all give me a hint on this Job? Is becoming a SQA Tester is easy? Is it a tough one? Please help me on finding a way on this very first Job of mine?
What is difference between odbc and jdbc?
What is the purpose of execute method of action class?
Differentiate Dice and Slice?
how can can column be corrected when the design is not safe ? is the increasing the clearcover a solution?
What is html5 and css3?
What is servlet collaboration?
What is 'Type Inference' in Scala?