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Questions / { baskar }
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How does a chemical get ignited without external heat source on reaching its auto ignition temperature

1 Chemical Engineering 3508

What does Dew point -40C mean in an air drying unit.

4 Chemical Engineering 8955

A cylindrical vessel of 10m height has water upto 6m and is under a pressure of 15bar.What will be the pressure at the bottom most point of the vessel?

4 Chemical Engineering 5822

Why chlorine cylinders are laid down horizontally?

3 Chemical Engineering 6936

To how much height the liquid willbe thrown out to atmosphere from a pump with a discharge pressure of 5bar


4 Chemical Engineering 6355

What fluid first to be lined up in a heat exchanger whether hot or liquid?why?


2 Chemical Engineering 5150

What is the iodine value of spent carbon?How iodine value is used to determine the power of carbon to adsorb?

2 Chemical Engineering 4771

In a screw compressor air is sucked from atm and mixes with the oil and is separated using separators.Will the viscosity of the oil get affected as moisture in air gets mixed with oil?

1 Chemical Engineering 4369

What are the most common problems encountered in a valve or bubble cap distillation column?

Eastman Chemical,

3 Chemical Engineering 4591

What is the maximum steam pressure that can be generated?


Chemical Engineering 1891

Can anyone explain in a simple way the difference between DCS and PLC?


7 Instrumentation 11531

How LPG gets liquefied by elevating the pressure?If the pressure is increased the temperature also increases,then how LPG is in liquid form?

1 Chemical Engineering 5205

What is g and gc in a bernoulli's theorem?


2 Chemical Engineering 9963

1.How a chlorine leak is detected? 2.What would happen if excess chlorine is added to water in cooling tower?

3 Chemical Engineering 7076

Why water is not directly added to sulphuric acid for dilution?

8 Chemical Engineering 22412

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Answers / { baskar }

Question { OGDCL, 8989 }

How to estimate the efficiency of a pump?


Actual discharge
Efficiency= _____________________ *100
Theoretical discharge

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

Question { 17011 }

what is the PH value for boiler water.


The PH of BFW is 8.0 to 8.5.

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 10 No

Question { Reliance, 9816 }

what is an ambient temperature?


Ambient temperature is nothing but the atmospheric
temperature which surrounds us.Ambient temperature varies
with weather or atmospheric conditions.

Is This Answer Correct ?    30 Yes 1 No

Question { GNFC, 21236 }

what is difference between total flow and flow rate in
general ?? explain it with daily life example.


Total flow is the total quantity (in mass or volume)passed
through a flow meter.

Flow rate is the quantity of flow (in mass or volume)in a
unit time.

Is This Answer Correct ?    37 Yes 2 No

Question { 4771 }

What is the iodine value of spent carbon?How iodine value
is used to determine the power of carbon to adsorb?


Iodine value is the milligrams of iodine consumed or
absorbed per gram of carbon.It is used to determine the
adsorption power of carbon.

More the iodine value more is the adsorption and viceversa.
For fresh carbon iodine value is more than 1000 and for
spent carbon it is less than 500.The more the value is low
it means that it is used effectively.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { ISRO, 17273 }

if the length of a pipe doubled what will be the effect on
Pressure in line?


If it is a gas then the pressure will reduce to half .Use
the below gas equation,

p1/p2 = v1/v2

If it is an incompressible fluid,also the pressure gets
reduced.Then the major loss of energy in pipe is caused by
friction in pipe.It may be computed by Darcy-weisbach

Head loss due to friction hf = 4fLV2/2gD

f= friction factor
L=length of pipe
v=velocity of the fluid
D=diameter of the pipe

If L is doubled obviously friction increases and therfore
the pressure is reduced.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 3 No

Question { 2519 }

why we messure differential pressure in pascle,mmhg,mmwc like
different units in different companys?


All are different units of pressure only.We use pascal,mmwc,orkg/cm2 for our convenience only.For instance if the pressure drop is minimum we use mmwc as it can be viewed easily using a watertube manometer instead of a pressure gauge.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { 9403 }



A minimum of 19% is required.Maximum oxygen present in air is 21% only by volume.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Question { Cairn, 3551 }

what is meant by runaway temperature in a reactor?


The temperature beyond which the reaction goes out of control.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

Question { Cairn, 6050 }

what is the difference between psv and prv?


psv is pressure safety valve it pops up at the set pressure and resets at the set pressure.the operation is sudden
prv is pressure relief valve it opens when the pressure gets increased.the operation is gradual.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

Question { Cairn, 3592 }

what is flooding in a column.How do you know flooding has occured?


Flooding is an accumulation of downcoming liquid over the tray.It is characterized by changes in pressure drop and temperature.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 3 No