Is this code legal?
int *ptr;
ptr = (int *) 0x400;
Answer / susie
Answer :
The pointer ptr will point at the integer in the
memory location 0x400.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 2 No |
void pascal f(int i,int j,int k) { printf(“%d %d %d”,i, j, k); } void cdecl f(int i,int j,int k) { printf(“%d %d %d”,i, j, k); } main() { int i=10; f(i++,i++,i++); printf(" %d\n",i); i=10; f(i++,i++,i++); printf(" %d",i); }
how to return a multiple value from a function?
main( ) { int a[2][3][2] = {{{2,4},{7,8},{3,4}},{{2,2},{2,3},{3,4}}}; printf(“%u %u %u %d \n”,a,*a,**a,***a); printf(“%u %u %u %d \n”,a+1,*a+1,**a+1,***a+1); }
main() { char c=' ',x,convert(z); getc(c); if((c>='a') && (c<='z')) x=convert(c); printf("%c",x); } convert(z) { return z-32; }
void main() { int *mptr, *cptr; mptr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); printf(“%d”,*mptr); int *cptr = (int*)calloc(sizeof(int),1); printf(“%d”,*cptr); }
main() { int i=-1,j=-1,k=0,l=2,m; m=i++&&j++&&k++||l++; printf("%d %d %d %d %d",i,j,k,l,m); }
What is the output for the following program main() { int arr2D[3][3]; printf("%d\n", ((arr2D==* arr2D)&&(* arr2D == arr2D[0])) ); }
Given only putchar (no sprintf, itoa, etc.) write a routine putlong that prints out an unsigned long in decimal.
6 Answers Fusion Systems GmbH,
main() { int i=-1; +i; printf("i = %d, +i = %d \n",i,+i); }
void main() { int i=i++,j=j++,k=k++; printf(“%d%d%d”,i,j,k); }
write a c program to Reverse a given string using string function and also without string function
find A^B using Recursive function