char c=' ',x,convert(z);
if((c>='a') && (c<='z'))
return z-32;
Answer / susie
Answer :
Compiler error
declaration of convert and format of getc() are wrong.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 1 No |
Sir... please give some important coding questions asked by product companies..
struct Foo { char *pName; char *pAddress; }; main() { struct Foo *obj = malloc(sizeof(struct Foo)); clrscr(); obj->pName = malloc(100); obj->pAddress = malloc(100); strcpy(obj->pName,"Your Name"); strcpy(obj->pAddress, "Your Address"); free(obj); printf("%s", obj->pName); printf("%s", obj->pAddress); } a. Your Name, Your Address b. Your Address, Your Address c. Your Name Your Name d. None of the above
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{ int *ptr=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); *ptr=4; printf("%d",(*ptr)+++*ptr++); }
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union u { struct st { int i : 4; int j : 4; int k : 4; int l; }st; int i; }u; main() { u.i = 100; printf("%d, %d, %d",u.i,,; } a. 4, 4, 0 b. 0, 0, 0 c. 100, 4, 0 d. 40, 4, 0
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