What is meant by earthhing of a magnetic
flow meter and when to use empty pipe detection?
for hipot test on 33kV busbar, we will test on 70 kV or 56kV, what is the acceptable leackage current?
What is ics,icu,icw of load breaker
In a transformer ,when voltage decreases current increases. but this is a violation of oms law.why?
Why Batteries are rated as AH i.e AmpereHour,and its formula to converting AmpHour to Amp
what is inverter
We are installing a 1.6 MVA transformer at our crusher plant and the feeder of HPSEBL is 2 km away at substaion . and a VCB is installed in the substaion which is 2 km away from transformer so we need another VCB near the transformer.
12 Answers APGenco, Constant, Lanco,
what is the chemical name for oil that used in the transformer
how to find out 3 phase complex power in per unit in unbalanced system?
How over load relay works.
i am going to give the JSEB,RANCHI exam for power plant,so i need some samples of papers related to that,so please send me these papers by my mail id.
what is the purpose of taking HV test in LT panel.