please send privious years question papers of jindal steel
and power ltd.My e mail id is
What's the differs between voltage & current & emf.
what is interfacing in computer studies?
What types of question are done for diploma students in aptitude test
why DG sets power factor is 0.8 lagging.
How to connect frequency meter in metering circuit?(single phase and three phase frequency meter)
can we choose current transformer secondary, to calculate residual flux in a power transformer, so as its saturation is close to the saturation level of power transformer?
how to select diiferent power transformers of same capacity on no load loss and full load loss by economical point of view.?
In supply RYB are mentioned. But in transformers, why they are mentioning XYZ?
there is a line fault some where on the ove head distribution line. how will i locate the fault for clearing it? ofcourse i have to megger the line but what information makes me clear that the fault is in that section of the line?
why voltage rating not mention at HPSV or HPMV lamps?
What is meant rectifiers..
If cvt is most advance & effective(economically & stability)so why not use instead of VT(11 kv & 33 kv)?