1. Why is the speed of shunt motor practically constant?
2. Why dc series motor use to start with heavy loads?
3. advantages & disadvantages of separately excited
generator over self excited generator?
why do we use UPF watt meter in short circuit test of the transformer and LPF watt meter in open circuit test of the transformer
Define the overload capacity of the motor.
What is center gravity load in substation?
What shall be the minimum distance to be maintained between two power cable in a common trench?
if flow of electrons is current then why their direction are different???
What is the difference between Welding Transformer and Normal Transformer?.
What is TR of AC?
What is meant by class of CT&PT?
What is the purpose of using busbar mounting fuse?
We have a bank capacitor rating of 60 KVAR for a overall load of 160 KVA and we have connected three loads of 50KVA each. We would like to auto matically correct PF using APFC. How do we design it?
defination of static variable compensator
how to read idmt curva