what is just in time in inventory management strategy to
improve the ROI of a business
What is sales and operational planning(S&OP)process and what are the advantages of S&OP process?
What is Business Development?
Two Companies have the same amount of working capital .Th current debit paying ability of one company is much weaker than that other explained your use how this could occur
0 Answers Stella Maris Institute of Development Studies SMIDS,
what are all the important aptitude questions?
Q. 1 Research serves a single purpose-that of providing information to assist marketing manager to make better decisions? Elaborate this statement.
If the length of a rectangle is decreased by 40% and the breadth is increased by 305, then what is increase or decrease present in the area of rectangle ?
im new to administration, any body guide me for an interview?
Why l think l would be a better candidate for the position of Finance and administration director
what is different between marketing and sale?
hi can somebody please post questions that are commonly asked in bba enterance exam in interwiew sessions...also it would be of great help if someone could mail me the previous years papers of the enterance exam of bba of cbs...
Accounting concepts are broad basic assumptions that underlie the periodic financial accounts of business enterprises. Discuss
treasury bills market in india?