do we use links in a dc circuit?if so what s its use in it?
what is meant by re-rolling motor? how it differs from standard motor?
Why is shaft current insulation required on large motors & when should it be checked i.e. before or after assembly?
Why Alternator has 0.8 power factor?
how is the testing of an REF relay? what are the test REF circuit having?
Is there such a frequency as 440v 50Hz?
2 t/f operating in parallel will share the load according 2 their- a)leakage reactance,b)pu impedence,c)efficiency,d) rating.
how to select the double earth conductor if 21A full load?
In a large office how do we calculate required number of light fittings, assuming fittings are 4x18W or 2x36W fluorescent fitting ?
wht is an AVO metre. and whre it is used?
what happen when dc shunt motor field is sudden open in running condition
34 Answers APGenco, Bhel, IIT, JMRC, TCS,
What iz main protection of mediuum voltage motors and what iz the standard IR voltage of 6.6 and 11kv motors.
What is meant by turbo alternators?