I want to do on drill calculation?
Actually My report is like
Continent Amount(Global Currency in dollar)
ASIA 200
UK 100
On Drill ASIA
Country Amount
INDIA 5712(120*47.6)
SINGAPORE 128(80 * 1.6)
On Drill INDIA
State Amount
DELHI 3712
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Answer / itesh
U have now 3 reports with u
1st one u have already developed
2nd one u develop country and amt where create filter
Continent =? Prompt Continent?
Then put a drill from 1st report select the second report u
can point the data item continent =prompt of second report
(? Prompt Continent?)
Then follow the same in third and point 2nd to third report.
Nothing is impossible........
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Answer / gowthami
U have the below objects
Continent, Country, State and amount
Make sure the objects are in above hierarchy in universe under the class
Result objects: Continent and amount
Set scope of analysis as level 3
Create a tabular report with continent and amount.
You will be able to do drill operations
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I want to do on drill calculation? Actually My report is like Continent Amount(Global Currency in dollar) ASIA 200 UK 100 On Drill ASIA Country Amount INDIA 5712(120*47.6) SINGAPORE 128(80 * 1.6) On Drill INDIA State Amount DELHI 3712 CHENNAI 2000
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