What is best method of Calculating Short Circuit current in
power system network.
why the perameters of secondary circuit are more important then that of the primary circuit of induction motor?
What is reason to get a power factor nearly zero in resistive loads
When and where resistance earthing is used ? How to calculate the time constant for earth fault
what is the full name of ELCB &MDB <MCB
wht is the purpose of the earth electrode other then earthing
can any one help me for my ups inter view , list out few basic technical ups question with answer.
Why is the uniform distribution of the capacitor discs in a suspension type insulators essential , what can u do to improve the string efficiency ?
C.S.R. and where are they use in electrical systems
what is the reason the main breaker is trip during the motor is running? (some time the breaker is not trip)
Petroleum jelly is applied to the terminals of the lead acid battery is to prevent?
hw the cable size can be calculated when we have watss, volts, pf, i need the forula
What is IPXX?