What is the "IS" for Rising Main?
how many types of ACB breakers, describe briefly..?
what is the difference between "ampere trip and ampere frame"
if AVR fails in D.G set, what will be the effect?
What are the condition for parallel operation of transformers?
definition of transponder?
How to know the back up time for a 5KVA UPS which is connected to 15 nos. of computers? Is there any formula for this? pls. tell me.
Explain Even and Odd signals?
Is it a better option to procure screw type air compressor rather than reciprocating air compressor?If so, what is the reason?How should we select an air compressor(100 CFM)? Please mention the important parameters of air compressor.
What is the Working principle of ELCB and RCCB?
hi sir i have load of 17.5kw in 3 phase lighting circuit which mcb i can use
what is non uniform load
How to calculate phase to phase difference in 33KV Line ,11KV Line etc.