What are differences between Testing in Uncontrolled
Environment and Abnormal Environment?
How do you get programmers to build testability support into their code?
What is Asset testing?
What is difference between static and dynamic and testing?
Hi everyone.This is one of my interview questions.Could you please send me the answer for this?My ID:spam4rekha@gmail.com Q : what is BVA and ECP ? Thank You rekha
does the efficiency of test increases with increase in number of test cases.that is the more number of test cases then more efficient is the applications test,is it true?
Tell me abuot your daily activities as a test engineer.
give on example of regression testing, u did in yuor projec?
levels of testing
What is the difference between windows application and Client server application ?
How does one do Ad-hoc Testing?
What is driver and stub? where it is used, in top down or bottom up approach?
what exactly done parallely in v-model with verification.