How can i insert data inro a table with 3 columns using
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Answer / ashutosh
you can use 3 different collections for it...
suppose the table is emp have the following columns
1. empname varchar
2. empid number
3. sal number
type name_typ is table of emp.empname%type;
type id_typ is table of emp.empid%type;
type sal_typ is table of emp.sal%type;
name_tab name_typ;
id_tab id_typ;
sal_tab sal_typ;
name_tab := name_typ('ramit','rohan');
id_tab := id_typ(10,20);
sal_tab := sal_typ(21000,22000);
for all i in name_tab.first .. name_tab.last
insert into emp values(name_tab(i),id_tab(i),sal_tab(i));
Is This Answer Correct ? | 39 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / amarnath
in stead of above discription we need to use dynamic sql.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 2 No |
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