What are advantages of Stored Procedures?
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Answer / p.rajasekar
Procedures provide advantages in the following
Stored procedures can help enforce data security.
You can restrict the database operations that users can
perform by allowing them to access data only through
procedures and functions.
For example, you can grant users access to a
procedure that updates a table, but not grant them access
to the table itself. When a user invokes the procedure, the
procedure executes with the privileges of the procedure's
owner. Because users only have the privilege to execute the
procedure and not the privileges to query, update, or
delete from the underlying tables, users can invoke the
procedure, but they cannot arbitrarily manipulate table
data in any other way.
Reduces network traffic as compared to no. of
individual SQL sent
Since procedure’s complied form is available in the
database, no compliation step required to execute the code.
If procedure is present in SGA then retrieval from
disk is not required and execution can begin immediately.
3•Memory allocation
Since stored procedures take advantage of shared
memory capabilities of ORACLE, only a single copy of the
procedure needs to be loaded into memory for execution by
multiple users.
Stored procedures increase development
productivity. By designing applications around a common set
of procedures, you can avoid redundant coding and increase
your productivity.
By developing all of your applications around a
common group of procedures, you can reduce the likelihood
of committing coding errors.
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Answer / greatasoft-mani.b
Stored Procedure's are precomplied one. When ever you call
a stored procedure it generate the result faster than
ordinay coding. The improve the performance of the
application i.e to reduce the time stored procedure's are
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Answer / roopesh kumar
The stored procedures are compiled pl/sql code block that
are stored in oracle's data dictonary as p-code. When we
have to use a perticular code block many times then we
should use procedure, function etc.
The use of procedure save time of execution of a block &
remove the need to write the code of a block every time.
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