why do we lay up the core of a cable?
what is the path of thunderlightening? once both a buffalo and a person were standing 5m apart but lightening hit and killed buffalo not person?
what is the difference between linear choke and suction choke?
what is daiod
Why diesel tank kept in 990 ltrs
What are the difference between off-load tap changer and on-load tap changer in transformer?
what will happen if dc is supplied in acb or mccb or other circuit breakers?
megger how much voltage will produce ?
how we done power management?
does over charging of a battery reduce its life?
what do u understand from filter factor of reactor?
How do we calculate the resistance per metre of single core aluminium stranded cable 19*3.25mm sheathed in pvc,at 15 deg C temperature?
When motor stater and roter air gap do big then what will moter.