if u love someone u can arrange these 10 letters in 5 words
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one man driving a car in a lonely forest .. it was raining at that moment ...suddenly one of the car tyre got punchured...and he is having stephiny in his car ...he gets it and he tried to fix that stephiny...when he removes the bolts of punchred tire all are gone into mud...all bolts... fell into mud...and that bolts he never get...then, how can he reach safely to home... by driving his car..?
Three friends went to hotel for breakfast . After having breakfast total bill was Rs 25 . Each one contributed Rs 10. So total was Rs 30 . 30 is paid. waiter gave Rs 5 back to them . Three friend gave Rs 2 tips to waiter . From remaining Rs 3 each one took one rupee. As each one contributed ten . And each friend recieved one rupee back. Means each one had breakfast in nine rupee. So three friend had breakfast in 9+9+9=27. And Rs 2 is given to tips to waiter. So total money for breakfast for three friend was 27+2=29. Where is remaining one rupee?
x^y+y^x=5298.If x and y are integers find x and y.
what is the main reason to ask this type question in your interview sir?
Write 1111......(243 times) i.e. a 243 digit number with all 1s. Prove that it is divisible by 243.
A, B and C are three points on a straight line, not necessarily equidistant with B being between A and C. Three semicircles are drawn on the same side of the line with AB, BC and AC as the diameters. BD is perpendicular to the line ABC, and D lies on the semicircle AC. If the funny shaped diagram between the three semicircles has an area of 1000 square cms, find the length of BD.
Ship is 180 miles away from shore. At that time a plane started from shore to pass some information to the ship with 10 times velocity of ship's velocity. At what distance from shore they will meat?
*suppose u have 2 distribute a sum rs 50 among 30 studnt .it is also decided that a male student will get double than of female student.find the no. of male n female student of class?
there r 100 people who buys juice if v take 500 random sample we find 75 people who buys juice then how many random sample they need 2 find remaining 25 buyers
rich man keeps me in pocket, poor men throws me away, children eat me, am a tamil word _u_ _e_ _l
9 Answers Adama Agricultural Solutions, Infosys, Mannar Company, Wipro,
If you started a business in which you earned Rs.1 on the first day, Rs.3 on the second day, Rs.5 on the third day, Rs.7 on the fourth day, & so on. How much would you have earned with this business after 50 years (assuming there are exactly 365 days in every year)?
A husband and wife have a combined age of 91. The husband is now twice as old as his wife was when he was as old as she is now. How old is wife?