What is latent bug? the people who is know about this plz
kindly give the ans.
hai suppose if i want to delete cookie of a particular web site.is it possible if it is possible how? pls. tell me
Can anyone explein me the differences between Product Testing and Project Testing??????
what is low seviority high priority defet (ex: Yahoo mail)
Which design document supports to choose test data and how to select test data ranges ?
what is stand alone application?
How many Test case we can write to test MS Excel(for System Testing)
What is API Testing? how do we perform this testing?
What are the categories of writing test cases?
1.what is test scenario? if possible give me some documents? 2.what's the difference between test scenario and frs?
What is the difference between smoke an sanity testing with example ?
hi all, please let me know how to down load QTP from internet?
How to derive test data from the design documents?