What are the environmental settings for data stage,while
working on parellel jobs?
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Answer / kiran
hai ..,
This is Kiran
Your Quetion is wrong.and Environmental variable set in job
properties while using in jobs level and project level set
in DS Admin.
if any send mail me mkk143@gmail.com and call-9393363309
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Drop duplicate records ... SOURCE LIKE .......... ID flag1 flag2 100 N Y 100 N N 100 Y N 101 Y Y 101 N Y 102 Y N 103 N N 104 Y Y 105 N N 106 N Y 102 N Y 105 Y Y in above file if any id having both the flags as "N" then that corresponding id records should be dropped, in above case o/p should be as ID flag1 flag2 101 Y Y 101 N Y 102 Y N 102 N Y 104 Y Y 106 N Y Steps to do : 1) Identified the id’s that got duplicated (both the flag values having vales “N”) 2) Look up with these id’s to existing id’s to drop .