What is the ignition temp. of Alluminium,Coper&Iron.
what are the major problem comes in the production process
2 Answers Atul, Deepak Fertilisers,
hello everyone do anyone have interview questions for any chemical industry please email me at
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS - EXAMPLE 20.2 : During the landing process of an airplane, the velocity is constant at v. (a) If the displacement of the plane is x at time t, find the differential equation that relates t, x and v. (b) The plane has 2 parts of wheels - the front and the back, separated by a distance L. The front part of the wheel touches the land first, that allows the straight body of the plane to form an angle T with the horizontal land. If the vertical distance between the back part of the wheel and the horizontal land is y, find the equation of y as a function of L and T. (c) Find the differential equation that relates dy as a function of dt, v and sin T. (d) Find the differential equation that consist of dy as a function of y, L, v and dt. (e) Find the equation of y as a function of v, L, t and C where C is a constant. (f) When t = 0, prove that y = exp C as the initial value of y.
According to Shockley equation, the I – V characteristic of a diode is approximated by I = IS [ exp (nVD / VT) – 1 ]. For silicon, let the reverse bias saturation current IS as 0.000000000001. If n is ideality factor with value of 1.5, VT as thermal voltage drop of 0.026 V at room temperature, what is the value of current I that passes through the silicon diode in the heater of evaporator when the forward voltage drop VD = 0.026 V? Please take note that exp is the exponential function with e(1) = 2.718, e(2) = 7.389.
What is chemicals?
1 Answers Thirumalai Chemicals,
Where the Induced draft, forced draft & balanced draft furnace are to be used? Selection of furnaces are based on which criteria?
what is the discharge pressure formula, for calculating discharge pressure?
MASS TRANSFER - EXAMPLE 4.2 : In a non-dilute absorber, graphical method is used to represent the process. In an X - Y coordinate system, X-axis represents mole of carbon dioxide / mole of water and Y axis represents mole of carbon dioxide / mole of nitrogen. The inlet gas stream consists of 8 mol % of carbon dioxide in nitrogen. (a) Find the S / G minimum as a slope that goes through the point (0, 0.0304) and (0.0000488, 0.086957). (b) Find the actual slope of operating line when it is 1.5 times the S / G minimum! (c) Find the value of x for inlet gas stream when y = 1640 x, y is mole fraction of carbon dioxide in nitrogen.
Explain the factors involved in designing kettle type reboiler?
how should i prepare for my placements.i am a student of chemical eng,final year,thapar university
What is the best way to handle bend or turns in slurry piping systems?
Hi. I have completed my masters in chemical engineering from M S University in year 2008 and now going to do MS Chemical engineering in Lamar University. I am planning to appear for interview in two weeks from now. What are the expected questions from VO regarding masters after masters ? and wat should i expect to give reply ? kindly give your suggestions. Thanks