How to map the test cases to requirements in QC?
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Answer / sudha sharma
By using Requirement Coverage in Test Plan Module.
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Answer / hari
Select Requirement Module - Click on Desired Requirement - Double Click the requirement - Dialog box opens,Click Coverage button - Right hand side test plan window opens - In test plan tree select your test - click ADD ikon
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / chandan kumar
For requirement mapping in QC We have to go to Requirement
Tab in QC.Then Add requirement their as per RTM created .
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / paresh d
We can use tracebility matrix to map the test cases with
the user requirements.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 7 No |
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2 Answers KEN Group, LD College,
I have application it is one digital clock with all minutes and seconds. you have to identify the time to verify weather the time displayed is correct time or not? How do you automate this scenario?
I have two For loop, first For loop does is creates a customer and input the customer info and then the second for loop within the first for loop does the follows which is capture the customer name and verify the with the data within the datatable. The problem I am coming across is that when it goes through the second time creating another customer and then verify the second customer then it creates the following during runtime. I want is to have the customer2 below Customer1 under the Customer_from_Apps. Any help will be greatly appreciate it. Customer Customer_from_Apps Customer_from_Apps1 Customer1 Customer 1 Customer2 Customer2 Window("Customer Desktop").Window("Customer Tracking (Privacy").WinObject("TreeView20WndClass").Click 92,244 runtimevalue = .VbTreeView("vbname:=AppServerTree").GetROProperty("Selectio n") Customer_Val= Datatable.GlobalSheet.AddParameter ("Customer_from_Apps",runtimevalue) row=datatable.getsheet("Global").GetRowCount For x=1 to row datatable.SetCurrentRow(x) Data_Val=Datatable.Value("Customer",dtGlobalSheet) If (trim(Customer_Val)=trim(Data_Val)) Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Customer validation successful", "Actual Value: " &Data_Val&vbcrlf& "Customer Value: " &Customer_Val else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Cusotmer validation unsuccessful", "Actual Value: " &Data_Val&vbcrlf& "Customer Value: " &Customer_Val End If Next