What is a quick test professional?
Hi Guys, In one of my interviews, I was asked to Write a paragaraph explaining how much scripting I did in QTP? I don't know where to start and what to write. So I need your help in writing that.
What are the features and benefits of quick test pro (qtp 8.0)?
How to load the object repository at run time?
There is one login screen,after accepting valid username and apassword, it will show the next screen. In the 2nd screen u r having 2 combo boxes, U have to select any item from these, and click OK button. After closing that, it will show the 3rd screen. If u click CANCEL button from 2nd screen it will show the first screen. Write QTP script for it???
Scenario:2 combo boxes.1st combo contains a,b,c,d.2nd combo contains 10..20,20..30,30..40,.Selecting 'a' shld display 10...20,'b' shld display 20..30.. and so on.tell d script? 2.Random testing of 500 test cases in qtp?
Can I use datatable of Action1 in the Action2.
1.can we parameterise object repository?how we can do it? 2.there is a name "mallikharjun".i want to get the vowels in it through VBSCRIPT?
Suppose I have three hyperlinks with same properties. How to solve this and what are the ways to solve this. we can solve this by using index property but what are the other ways we have have to solve this problem. Login (href: btnlogin.aspx) Login (href: Sourcelogin.aspx) Login (href: homelogin.aspx)
how can we handle exceptional handling in qtp
how to run the script If QTP tool not identify object in web page
Hi anyone having QTP 10.0 licence or crack version pls send me in this mail id mdilipkumar04@gmail.com Regards Dilip
How to supress warnings from the "Test results page"?