I have application it is one digital clock with all minutes
and seconds. you have to identify the time to verify weather
the time displayed is correct time or not?
How do you automate this scenario?
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Answer / prathyusha
By using Time() funtion we can retrieve system time. BY
finding the difference between the displayed time and
retrieved time using the fucntion, we can verify whether
the time displayed is correct time or not.
strTime = Time()
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / dmitry
I suppose Tick event should be fired in order capture same
time that timer application
In this case comparing will be more exact
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Write script to fetch the data from global sheet where row number is 3 and parameter is "text"
3 Answers Accenture, Thomson Reuters,
What is smart identification in QTP?
What is Terminal Emulators”? Why we used in QTP.? How he works on QTP.
Why do you create a text checkpoint on a Web application? What is the purpose of the Close method?
I want to do Certification course in QTP. For this I request you to suggest the best Tutorial in PDF format, if possible, kinldy mail PDF file to my mail-ID: ramakrishna908@gmail.com Regards, krishna.
How i can test the background color of the records displayed in a Table. Eg i have a .net desktop application and there is a Table(swftable) with records displayed in the grids. i have to validate whether the 1st record is displayed in white background color and 2nd record in light blue background color...But the constraints is that once user click on the first record...the background color changes to grey.......Plze let me now how to validate this with QTP 9.2.
write script for "dropdown button having how many words? for ex.SELECT CITY is dropdown name.. find out how many cities in that?
How does QTP identifies the object in the application Mainly objectives are three type's OF PROPERTIES namely
difference Between LowLevel and Normal Recording Modes?
When I start recording any web application (either Mozilla or IE) QTP recognizes window instead of browser and also it does not show all the hierarchy tree of that particular web page. 1. Window("Mozilla Firefox").Check CheckPoint("Mozilla Firefox") 2. As everybody knows it should be browser("Mozilla Firefox").Check CheckPoint("Mozilla Firefox") I am using the windows vista, do you think it may be a problem of my settings in QTP or problem of my installation. Your kind responses will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Satya
Hi i have a webtable which is having 7 columns and 6 rows of data in that table of 4th and 5 th column each row is partiotioned into 3 sub rows i want to verify in each partitioned rows of corresponding row for ex values will be like this 0 / 1 ,26/28.if it is 0/1 i want to skip only if any num/num greater than 1 i want to click.
Local Obj Repository and SOR are editable know, y we have to edit those.. i mean in which situation we need to edit those and how to do..? pls help me..