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what is the difference between Supply Chain & Logistics???
1.Are the private insurance companies safe? 2.If any private insurance company all of suden close or meeting loss, What they should return the invest money to policy holders? 3.What is defferance between govt insurance and private companies? 4.Somebody saying ICICI produntial company met loss his property. The organisation telling What we can do?share is down so you people will get very less amount? Is it true?
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What is your greatest achievement till date?
1 Answers Crisil, Franklin Templeton, Infosys,
What do you think it takes to be successful in a sales career?
Say about your strengths and weaknesses ?
59 Answers Accenture, American Express, Candor, College School Exams Tests, ELCO, Infosys, Karvy, RFCL, Wipro,
Esplain why you think you are suitable for the position project coordinator?
Why have you shown interest to join us?
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How does Regulatory Compliance and Right to Information Act help in the growth of Business Intelligence in India ?