tell me about regular expressions in QTP? where we use?
give eample?

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tell me about regular expressions in QTP? where we use? give eample?..

Answer / kotike

Qtp may not recognize the objects whos porperty values are
dynamically changing.In those situation we can use regular

for example: in your mail inbox you have 15 messages

u recorded this and in object repository it stores inbox

assume u got few mails and now your inbox having 20 mails.
now you run the script which ever you recorded. The qtp
will not recognize the inbox(15) .because right now your
inbox having 20 messeges.

in this situation you need to reqularize the inbox as

now qtp will identify


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tell me about regular expressions in QTP? where we use? give eample?..

Answer / shivaji rao

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