tell me about regular expressions in QTP? where we use?
give eample?

Answer Posted / shivaji rao

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How to run a test using quicktest professional (qtp)?


Hi , I am facing issue QTP 10.0 with oracle ERP 11i .When QTP opens,click sub links on ERP ,FORM is not opening getting unexpected Internet explorer error message with send or don't send report.So unable to work with forms using QTP.


What is the difference between shared and local object repository?


Hi, I am using OutputCheckPoint for 2 webelements Bed:4 and Bath:2 Full,1 partial in my result page and I am storing the value in the data table. I dont need the string Bed:4,I would like to get only the no 4. How can I get it? Even though I highlight only 4,It is seleting the full value "bed 4". Same thing happend for second webelement Bath:2 Full,1 partial I need only the No 2. I used the following to split MyArray = Split(UIBathResult, " ", -1, 1) But it is giving the value My Array(0)=Bath:2full,1Partial I need the only the nos for further comparision.Any help? Thanks Uma


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1639 after this home page wll came, in this page what r the items we r going to test for manual and what the element we r test for QTP... explian clearly with example


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Dear All , For UFT 12.02 which version QC or ALM will support ? Thanks Balaji


can anyone tell me what to say in interview when interviewer asks about "tell me about your framework in your project"?


How many ways we can parameterize data in quicktest professional (qtp)?


how to post xml data from QTP scripts to any application?


How to test background color and dynamic images during run time can you put the check point for moving objects?


How u will do versioning in QTP?