How can u say that a given point is in a triangle?
1. with the co-ordinates of the 3 vertices specified.
2. with only the co-ordinates of the top vertex given.

How can u say that a given point is in a triangle? 1. with the co-ordinates of the 3 vertices speci..

Answer / vadivel

solution for 1st case:
Given:(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),the co-ordinates of the
vertices of the triangle.
Let (xx,yy) be the pt to be located.
Find the equations of the lines {(x1,y1),(x2,y2)} and
{(x1,y1)(x3,y3)} using the formula

Now substitute the y value in the 2 equations got. You 'll
be getting the x limits. If the given x value lies within
the limits you have found,the given pt is within the
triangle or else it is not.

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