what r the fields present in requirement tracability metrice
(RTM)?please explain each and every field as i m not aware.
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Answer / anees
Requierment Tracability Matrix:
test cases are written by looking in to the
requierments,application is tested by executing the
testcase.If any requirement is missing i-e the testcase is
not written fot that particular requiermentthan the
particular feature is not tested which may have bugs.Just
to ensure all the requierment are covered or not
tracability matrix is writtem .
This matrix is drown Requierment No VS Type of testing like
Function TC Integration TC System TC Useracceptace TC
The requierment for which TC r not written the cell are
marked in RED so that they r distinct and then TC r written
fot them.
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Answer / uday
Traceability matrix is a document, list out all the
requirements to be tested. This document is prepared during
the requirements gathering phase itself.
This document also useful for mapping the requirements and
test cases(which means for every requirement we can make
sure all the test cases are covered).
The contents in Traceability matrix are:
Requirement Id: Each requirement is uniquely identified by id.
Requirement Name:
Requirement priority: Each requirement is assigned with
priority. We test the application based on this priority.
TestCase Id: All test cases assigned to this requirement.
Phase: In which is the requirement(design, development,
testing etc...).
Two types of traceability(Bi-directional):
Forward traceability: requirements to design to code to
Backward traceability: reverse direction of forward
CMMI always enforces for bi-directional traceability.
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Answer / lucky
RTM Requirement Test Matrix is a document which contains
the functionalities captured from the requirement document.
1. Why it is required?
Quickiest way to find details about a functionality and the
related requirement document, test scenarios/scripts/test
cases, defects.
Let say there a change in requirement,This document help
you which part will be impacted beacuse of this changes.
What are the extra test cases to be added to test the
additional functionality.
The sheet contains: -Rows - Test case scenarios, test case
Column - Test Number, BRD No, BRD Name, Test Conditions
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