Write 10 test scenarios to test remember me checkbox present in login window
What is Data Flow Testing?
manual&automation testing
hi friends i have a question while the files are uploading into the web server(for storing)..... securely......... what is the meaning securely.......its regarding virus threating or user authentication.... the files are video files these are ripping and converted into .flv format pls clarify ..........thanks in advance......
what are the various levels of testing?
Inwhat basis the time is allocated for testing the application?
what is RCA and how to do root cause analysis
How do you survive chaos?
Enlist types of testing performed for any window in sequence?
What are all the documents you are going to submit at the time of release as a testlead?
What is black box testing, and what are the various techniques?
Suppose one project is given to u.How do u know whether this project is suitable for manual testing or automation.
What we do in performance testing? Is it possible without any tool?