inner join,outerjoin,trigger,stored procedure explain with
code snippets?

inner join,outerjoin,trigger,stored procedure explain with code snippets?..

Answer / vj

Join:It is the combining of two rows from different tables
based on the comparative values in selected columns.

Types of Join : Cross Join, Inner Join or equi join and
Outer Join which comprises of Left join and Right join.

Inner Join : It is used to select certain fields from both
tables and only correct rows will be joined together.
Sytax:SELECT <column_name> FROM <Table1>, <Table2> WHERE
(Table1.column = Table2.column)

Outer Join:
Left join: It returns all the data's from the table
present in left of the join and only those data's from the
right tabel which matches the condition.
Syntax:SELECT <column_name> FROM <Table1> LEFT JOIN
<Table2> ON Table1.column = Table2.column (Conditions like

Right join: It returns all the data's from the table
present in right of the join and only those data's from the
left tabel which matches the condition.
Syntax:SELECT <column_name> FROM <Table1> LEFT JOIN
<Table2> ON Table1.column = Table2.column (Conditions like

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