How can we get the details for printing the employee
details at run time using JDBC connectivity? can u provide
the coding for that? Its urgent?

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How can we get the details for printing the employee details at run time using JDBC connectivity? ..

Answer / shanu zabeen

import java.sql.*;
public class Employeedetails
public static void main(String args[])
Statement st=con.createStatement();
ResuleSet rs=st.executeQuery("select * from emp");//this
executes the query and get all the details from the table
System.out.println("EId Ename Salary\n");
"+rs.getString(2)+" "+rs.getString(3));

}//here 1 2 3 mentioned are the indices which are unique and
instead of 1 2 3 u can also provide the name of that
particular column name
and getXXX(index) ,here xxx is the type of the column like
int or float or string
catch(Exception e)


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How can we get the details for printing the employee details at run time using JDBC connectivity? ..

Answer / kiran kamble

Here is d coding for JDBC Connectivity to retrieve employee
I hv provided comments also so u can understand it better

* @author KIRAN

import java.sql.*;

public class JDBCConnection

public static void main(String args[])
Connection conn;
Statement stmt;
ResultSet rs;

//loads JDBC driver
catch(Exception e)

//set connection string

loads dsn named empdsn

//creates statement

//to get records from database using
rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from emp");//for dis 1st
create emp named table
Ename DOB Dept
while( cursor to the next record until
it reaches d last record

"+rs.getString(2)+" "+rs.getString(3)+"
"+rs.getString(4)+" "+rs.getInt(5));


catch(Exception e)

-create emp table 1st wid attributes eid,ename,dob,dept,n
-to add dsn(data source name)go to control
panel->Administrative Tools->Data Sources (ODBC) then one
small window will get opend..
-click on System DSN tab->Add->n select "Microsoft Access
Drive(*.mdb)"->finish->type Data Source Name(as i hv typed
in program "employeedsn" if u dnt want to change that dsn
which is written in d line

-you can give ne name tht u want instead of employeedsn...u
only need to provide d same name in Data Source Name

-next is no need to provide nethng for description
-then click on->select(to select database in *.mdb form)
---to select database table select drive on which u hv
saved ur database table n select that table by going to d
folder where u hv stored it by going to an appropriate directory
----if u select correct directory,table name will b
displyed in left hand side list box which then u need to
select n click on "OK" n again click on "OK"
----Your DSN will be displyed in System Data Sources List
---click on Ok n once you done this run the program

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 2 No

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